Antiracism Commitment Committee

Committee Charge:

The Antiracism Commitment Committee (ACC) is CC’s community accountability body that evaluates the implementation and impact of CC’s Strategy for a More Just CC including the revision and development of new goals as the plan evolves and remains relevant.

Committee Goals:

  1. To hold the CC community accountable in making continuous progress on strategic goals.
  2. To use appropriate assessment tools to track progress, identify gaps and resistance, and make recommendations for new goals.
  3. To ensure that offices, departments, and programs improve coordination of efforts.
  4. To provide an annual report to the CC community and the Board of Trustees about our progress.

Committee Leadership:

Rosalie Rodriguez, College Diversity Officer, Chair


Report an issue - Last updated: 01/30/2025

Building Bridges: A Staff-Faculty Partnering Program

  • Want to help build community across campus, in a fun, low-commitment way?
  • Would you like to get to know some great new folks at work?
  • Want to attend a class in an area you’re interested in, or see how one of the other departments on campus operates?
  • Ever feel like there’s a divide between faculty and staff on campus? 

If YES, then join the spring 2025 Building Bridges pilot program!

Meet someone new, learn about a different part of CC, get a free lunch, and win some sweet CC swag.

Here are the specific details:

Who: Any CC staff or faculty member.

What: Sign up now, and members of the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC), Staff Council (SC), and Antiracism Commitment Committee (ACC) will match you with a faculty member (if you’re staff) or a staff member (if you’re faculty), based on your interests but also with some randomness built in. You and your Building Bridges partner will choose some ways to interact. The basic package is for the staff member to visit the faculty member’s class or engage with their research/outreach in some fun way, and for the faculty member to visit the staff member’s office/workplace or engage with their work in some fun way, and for the partners to have lunch together at Rastall with lunch passes provided by the Dean of Faculty. This could be as little as 3 hours, during work hours, spread over the whole semester. We will also provide you with a list of other activities that you can try with your partner—attending CC events, cross-constituency social stuff, and other minor adventures. We will have some giveaways. We have some excellent CC swag and a little funding to make this fun!

When: Sign up by January 6 and we will match you before block 5.  This pilot program is for spring 2025.  We will continue the program for at least the next 3 semesters, so you can get matched with a new person every time.

Why: To have fun and build community across constituencies at Colorado College.

Questions?  Email FEC chair Beth Malmskog ( or ACC member April Scriven (

Presented by Staff Council, the Faculty Executive Committee, the Antiracism Commitment Committee, and the Dean of Faculty